Art exam

Akhirnye, finally, the first exam that we all have been waiting for.huhu.. time gone so fast that sometimes you did not realise that it has gone past you in a blink of an eye. Yet through the darkest of time and the best of hour, alhamdulillah, I have achieved the impossible task, huhu.From the blank sketchbook, to drawings and paintings, i have reached my ultimate goal which completed the art course in a best possible ways. Praised that i have receieved from classmates, to parents and teachers, have matured me to perfect my skills and yet broaden my knowledge and idea in art. It has been a long time but at last, cita2 sudah sampai. The road has ended on it is last patch.

Cikgu kesayangan: From left to right, Rob Barker (left) Faris :) ME (right)


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Ahmad Suzaili b Shaari

Noor Azuan bt Hashim

Muhammad Arif Atiq

Muhammad Faris Nazmi

Aina Syuhada

Adneen Safiyya